Once you install a new software on your computer, Registry Entries are added to the Windows Registry and these are in most cases left, even when you Uninstall the softwares. After a few months of usage you would find that the Registry section is totally filled with useless, broken and un-required registry entries which have to be removed. We had previously covered articles on how to Clean Computer Registry using software’s like Ccleaner. In this article we are going to review a free Registry Cleaning software which is totally free and has no advertisements in the form of Trojans, website shortcuts etc.
Once you have installed the application, you will be asked to Register and make a payment of around 15$, though this is optional because the software developers are looking for some kind of payments in the form of Donations, in order to support their other software developments and this is not a bad deal if you really like this software’s functionality. If not, you can just click on the Skip Button and then move forward to the next main screen of Eusing Registry Cleaner.
After clicking on the ‘Scan Registry Issue’ button, the software took around 5 minutes to completely scan all the entries and giving out a report. While i compared the same results using Ccleaner, i found that Ccleaner reported less invalid entries which is why Eusing version is a lot better in removing invalid entries and fixing your computer. Since Ccleaner is limited to only a few files checking, this software completely checks multiple sections on your computer and gives you a detailed report of the same. As you can see below, when the scan was completed i got a report with 797 problems on my computer which had to be fixed.
Next, you need to move to the option of ‘Repair Registry Issue’ under which the software would try to fix all the problems. This wont take more than a few seconds maximum and a report would be shown with a comment which says – Some Registry keys or values will be created automatically even if they were removed by the software. So if you have those keys or values, you can not get 0 problems in the next scan.
Since the software would be removing lot many entries there are chances that the computer would have problems sometimes, and because of this it would allow you to revert back to the previous version of your Registry in case you get errors on the PC Restart. Once you click on the ‘Repair Registry Issue’ the software would automatically take a Backup of the whole Registry, next which can be found under the option of ‘Restore Previous Registry’.
More features include a option available in the Menu called as ‘Startup Manager’ which will allow you to enable or disable startup items to make sure you can increase the speed of your computer start up. You can also check out the Language option because this software is available in more than 20 different languages.
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